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Summary 2023

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I build my personal site

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

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I participate in the 7th Future Network Development Conference as a volunteer on August 22-25, 2023. A wonderful experience!

As a volunteer, I participated in the reporting of the new graduate of Southeast University on September 13,2023. It’s so meaningful and happy for me to take the volunteer work.

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You can have many headings

Aren’t headings cool?

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Radio Tomographic Imaging with Wireless Networks

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Paper Reading:

Radio Tomographic Imaging with Wireless Networks

This paper presents a linear model for using received signal strength (RSS) measurements to obtain images of moving objects.

This paper explores in detail the use of shadowing losses on links between many pairs of nodes in a wireless network to image the attenuation of objects within the network area.